PetrolSpy Aus/NZ

Fuel Prices Near Me

Today's petrol prices near Christchurch, NZ:

Station NameFuel Prices
Mobil MadrasPremium U95 280.0, Diesel 199.0
Pak 'n Save MoorhouseU91 281.7, U95 295.7, Diesel 205.7
McKeown Barbadoes StreetUnleaded 275.9, U95 285.9, Diesel 195.9
NPD Moorhouse AvenueUnleaded 261.0, U95 276.0
Mobil Bealey AvenueUnleaded 280.9
Waitomo FitzgeraldUnleaded 259.0, Diesel 180.0, P Diesel 265.0
Z Carlton Corner
Z MoorhouseUnleaded 283.9, U95 302.9, Diesel 210.9

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